Keep up to date on what your youth team is doing this weekend.


Training at 6pm in St Marys with both Tallaght and St Marys. Then Girls blitz on Sunday 26th kick off at 2pm in Donnybrook. This is the final blitz of the year and all players need to be be there. Ensure you have gumshield, proof of age (picture of passport will do) and boots. Meeting at Donnybrook at 13:30pm. Contact Philip Preston 0857371926

U12 mixed Boys and Girls.

Home match: Double header blitz this Sunday at home… Playing Barnhall and Newbridge. We need all players in attendance, Also can you please arrive at 10:30 as first match kicks off at 11am. Don’t forget gumsheilds and water. contact Mairead 0862321936

U10 and U8 mixed Boys and Girls

Training at 11am in Tymon park for all players and any new players that would like to come. Contact Gerry U8 0857152347 or Colin U10 0870638992

All support and help is welcome at matches and training.

Dont Stop Believing
